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Ptačí Dům "U NÁS"
Chválkov 33, 394 93 Mnich - Chválkov

Property manager:
Lukáš Podstata
+420 776 088 831

Ptaci Dum - Accomodation and campsite

The building of the former gamekeeper's house can be used all year round for stays of larger groups, in the summer we offer rental of an adjacent campsite with tents.

The base is fully equipped. Sleeping mattresses are available, there is no need to bring own. In the kitchen has enough plates, mugs and cutlery.

Heated with wood, the stove and the fireplace will warm the entire building even in winter. Drinking water is from our own well.


At the house we keep parrots and other exotic birds. Do not feed them without prior agreement with property manager and respect his instructions. At the beginning of your stay, the property manager will tell you which birds you can caress and which, on the other hand, you must not let out of the cage!

There are 3 sleeping rooms in the building - a loft for up to 40 people, a room with 12 beds (bunk beds) for head and small bunk with 3 beds.

Meals are served in the barn, which has been converted into a dining room.

The kitchen is newly renovated - 2x electric stove + cooking stove, 2x refrigerator with freezer, microwave, kettle, large pots, pans, baking pans and other dishes.

The area includes a large meadow and space for outdoor games, the base is surrounded by forest on all sides. A campfire can be made in the garden.

The object is rented in its entirety. Rental price 4000 CZK / night + energy.